Maranatha Christian School has grown through to Grade 12 over the years, out of the junior school that was established in 1996 and has full Umalusi accreditation.

The school aims to function as an inspirational educational institution for the community by developing the Christian, intellectual, physical and social aspects of every learner, with emphasis on sound Christian moral standards and self-discipline in a caring environment.

The CAPS curriculum is taught using latest applied technology such as smartboards, computers, google classroom and Chromebooks.  We aim towards three classes, per grade, of approximately 25 learners each. Our Grade 12 learners have been writing the IEB (Independent Examination Board) examinations to obtain the National Senior Certificate since 2021.


English is the language of instruction and Afrikaans the first additional language.  Grade 8 and 9 have a further 8 subjects:


Life Orientation

Biblical Studies

Natural Sciences (Physical Science, Life Sciences )

Social Sciences (History, Geography)

Creative Arts


Economic Management Sciences (Accounting, Business Studies)


In the FET phase (Grades 10-12), English first language, Afrikaans second language, Life Orientation and Mathematics / Mathematical Literacy are compulsory subjects.  Business Studies, Computer Applications Technology, Consumer Studies, Design, Economics, Engineering Graphics and Design, Geography, History, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Visual Art are choice subjects.


In addition to fully equipped classrooms, the school has an advanced computer centre, art centre and three laboratories that are used extensively.  Our large EGD centre is equiped with a 3D printer and 5 CAD workstations.